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Writer's pictureLydia

Chiao Day 2 - Scenario 1

The second day started with a very straight forward scenario. All rescuers were staged on the roof, the casualty was two floors below, and we had limited access through the window. Time stopped when everything and everyone was on the ground.

You are given three anchor points bolted to the ground and the anchor points must be load-shared when rigged for a two person load. There are also two edges that need to be protected, and the last person off the roof needs to retrieve all rigging.

Our first priority is always getting Saskia (our stretcher attendant) to the casualty as fast as possible. Her focus is to rig a dropset and approach Brid (our VIP) as quickly as possible. In Chiao, we were given fifteen minutes to achieve physical contact with the casualty. Anything above 15min and we will not be allowed to continue the task.

Next, Alia (rigger) descends on a second dropset she rigged while Kitana and I (rescuer and team captain respectively) lower the stretcher alongside her. While the two of them are packing the casualty, Susanne is setting up the anchor point with the ropes to lower the casualty down to the ground. Kitana's job was edge protection and to make sure all the ropes on any edge were protected adequately.

Rope protection by STREP
Alia descends alongside the stretcher
Susanne setting up the rigging

Ultra static HTP ropes by Sterling Ropes
Alia and Saskia getting the stretcher over the wall
edge protection by STREP
Kitana protecting the ropes on the second edge
titanium basket stretcher by CMC Rescue
Alia descending alongside the casualty

As soon as the stretcher is on the ground, we made sure the stretcher is well away from the ropes so if anything were to fall it will not land on our VIP (Very Important Patient). Everyone then takes turn to descend to the ground and being the last person I had to rig a pull through.

Well, we managed to get everything and everyone down safely, with the exception of one edge mat. I installed it with a rescuecender and while retrieving the ropes, the ropes just got pulled through the rescuecender and the carpet did not come down with it. It was definitely NOT cool to leave such an amazing edge mat up there, especially when we have our huge Yes Ma'am logo on it. So, lesson learned; tie a knot or use a prussik!

Another way we could have done better in this retrieval system was to pass both ropes for the pull-through into the eye bolts on the ground before installing the descenders (like in canyoning/mountaineering). If we had done this, we would have saved time in the re-rig process. Simply remove the descender and the ropes are ready. Anyway, we completed the task in about 40mins. We scored 94 points out of 100. Not the fastest but a good place to start the competition.

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